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CaracalTech was founded in 2012 by two automotive engineers. In 2014, the company became a team of 30 people, and this team presented its cooperation in the form of product design, manufacturing and engineering projects to automotive companies. This company is able to perform complete calibration activities on a wide range of vehicles, with different engines, different engine control units (ECU) or different gearboxes. These tests are performed with advanced and up-to-date equipment.

What We Do?
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Training Courses
Due to the lack of online and technical training course about remap and chip tuning, Caracaltech decided to establish a comprehensive and practical online training system that helps everyone who wants to start a chip tuning business to a professional level.
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File service
With this service, you can get dyno tested tuning file from our company for gasoline, diesel and gearbox . You can also have ECU solutions such as Dpf off, Egr delete, Immo off, etc.
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Engineering & design
We are automotive Engineers who worked with some Asian automakers for many years in ECU calibration. we even design and manufacture open wheeler and engine components.
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CaracalTech mission

After years of having practical experience in chip tuning, remapping and ECU calibration industry, CaracalTech has now decided to transfer the knowledge to enthusiasts in a new way. CaracalTech has already held many private and group learning classes so far and now has decided to expand its training courses via online classes to all volunteers around the world. CaracalTech main goal would be to spread the knowledge of car tuning and calibration for those who are interested in this new science worldwide .

CaracalTech history

CaracalTech is a brand with almost 10 years of experience in chip tuning, remapping and ECU calibration. Their university project was to investigate the impact of fuel and spark changes on Audi A4 engine. The project last 2 years to complete and after being successful in the project they decided to start chip tuning business and they've remapped almost 28000 vehicles since 2010. as there were no websites available on the internet that provide information needed to learn ECU remapping online, our team decided to design the first online platform of ECU tuning training course. CaracalTech involves 30 engineers that work on ECU remapping, teaching and design.

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